Personal shopper (online and in-person)

Personal shopper (online and in-person)

Only available to clients who have gone through either the full consultancy or the style guide.

Many people find it difficult to go shopping, sometimes because they are not aware of what they like, what flatters their body shape or because they are not even aware of their own style and these can cause stress when shopping.

The shopping service will help you a lot in this crucial time. We'll look for the right pieces that might be missing from your closet (based on your style guide), or even for a special occasion, whatever your needs and budget are, always valuing your time and money.

We will make a list of stores with the selected pieces that we talked about.

When shopping online, we'll send you a list of all the pieces we believe are what you need right now, with direct links to shopping online.

No more wrong purchases and excesses.


Yes, it is possible. The very first thing we do is talk about your needs and then we put together a plan exclusively for you.

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When you wake up in the morning are you always certain you will be able to choose what to wear during your five-minute shower?

The consultancy helps you recognize your best qualities, knowing which pieces and fabrics enhance you, which colors highlight your skin, and all of this is aligned to your most authentic self.

Everything you learn will help you save a lot of time, money, and encourage you to enjoy life's good moments.

Our goal is for you to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see: “That's me!”. Isn't that great?

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Many people consider the two professions to be the same thing, but they are quite different!

"Image and Style Consulting (Coaching)" is a process of deep and lasting change, which works on a woman's self-esteem and personality, and encourages her to recognize every bit of her essence in everything she wears.

The process is totally focused on the person's personal style.

On the other hand, the "Personal Styling" process is more focused on bringing fashion to the client without much focus on the personality and style of the person in particular. I would recommend it more for specific jobs and occasions.

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Not at all! There is nothing more wrong than summarizing "Image Consulting" is only looks!

Yes, there is assistance and indication on clothes, shoes and related accessories, but the consultancy goes far beyond that.

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Absolutely not! Together, we will analyze and reflect on everything that is part of your life at the moment, and that includes your clothes...

We'll check everything you have, donate what doesn't fit or doesn't match your new phase, adjust or customize what's necessary, and add only key pieces for smart combinations with what you already have at home.

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The concept of expensive and cheap is always relative - If you buy something that costs $20 but you never use it, then it's expensive.

But a pair of pants that cost $120, but you wear a lot, is not expensive. Don’t you agree?

Expensive is buying an item or service that you will never use, even if it costs only $20.00. Expensive is investing any amount of money without the intention of actually committing to what is being consumed or getting a return on your investment.

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No way! I don't believe in radical transformations because they simply don't last.

"Image consulting" is a process full of movement and balance. The entire process starts with self-knowledge, precisely because it respects the individuality of each client.

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We do, in fact, offer a "Image Longevity" service for continuing support to our clients. It's very easy to get back into old habits, so having assistance with your closet and shopping for future seasons is highly recommended. I advise you to follow up 2 to 4 times a year, at the beginning of each season.

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The timeline will depend a lot on the client's schedule and the consultant, but in general, the consultation lasts around 4 months.

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Yes! The only step we can’t do online is the "Personal Color Analysis".

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No! You don't need to lose weight to start your "Image consulting".

If weight management is your goal, you will find that the consultancy will give you a new boost for making that change.

Either way, the consultant will help you feel stronger and more confident to accept yourself for who you are.

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Personal Style Guide (online and in-person)

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Compact Suitcase

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Closet Clearing (online and in-person)

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Personal Stylist for stores

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